Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Solar 'farms'.. extract from facebook thread.

  • Shan Oakes we need to PUSH HARD for change of policy at local and national level. If we don't put them on houses etc we will end up with them all over the land....its starting now, and its the wrong model. I've just written to the Harrogate Advertiser about it.
  • Hilary Gardner Shan Oakes yes where I was brought up in Kent they are putting on reclaimed farmland that used to be stunning salt marsh
  • Shan Oakes There is a huge solar 'farm' scheme planned for Cayton, north of Ripley...planning deadline 25th aug. Its the wrong place in my view. Instead we must get panels on all our roofs (all appropriate ones..and there are plenty of those) . ALL new builds should be built on a proper green basis ...but this government has no interest except self interest and their funders are the fossil fuel lot and their ilk.
  • Shan Oakes ...and more wind turbines needed too. But the model of letting huge companies just drop in schemes where they can get hold of land is the wrong model. Govt and local govt should be working proactively with communities to promote many and varied renewable energy schemes at local level. Of course, the neoliberal govts we have had recently don't want us mere mortals to have any autonomy (such as we would have if we had locally managed schemes and generation on or near our own dwellings) ..they want us tied in to the grid so that we are dependent and helpless.

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